Pregnancy Nutrition
Emelia specialises in working with those trying to conceive, pregnant and post-natal mums as well as families and children. Pregnancy, babies and children are my real passion!
Pre-Natal Nutrition Support
Support for expectant mothers and those trying to conceive with;
Fertility nutrition support
Healthy eating in pregnancy - eating well for you and your baby
Nutrition support for Gestational Diabetes, Pre-eclampsia and Hyperemesis Gravidarium
Nutrition preparation and recovery plans for your birth including C-section
Post-Natal Nutrition Support
Mother and baby nutrition check in - ideal for nutrition support for breastfeeding, reflux in baby, eczema in baby, suspected allergies in baby
New mum energiser - nutrition support to get you back to feeling yourself and full of energy postpartum
Coming soon
Group programmes for;
Eating well in pregnancy
Eating for post natal recovery
Eating for mum and baby during breastfeeding
C-section preparation and recovery